
The centre presents participatory workshops, exhibitions, discussions, performances and screenings as part of its programming.

Types of projects include:, electronic art, audio pieces, radio art, video art, installation, interactive work, location-based media, 3D animation, the art of gaming, virtual reality, digital storytelling, short film, bio-art, public interventions, open sources innovations, practices rooted in the community, performance and interdisciplinary practices, short-workshops, artist talks and round tables.

To submit a proposal, consult the call for projects submission guidelines.


Olivia McGilchrist: Studio XX residency informal presentation

Consulter « Olivia McGilchrist: Studio XX residency informal presentation »

17 July 2016


  • artist residency
  • presentation
Sunday July 17th, 4PM – 9PM With visual artists & writers and videogame screenwriter Di-Andre Caprice Davis (Jamaica) / Oneika Russell (Jamaica) Kylie Szymesko (Montreal) Cécilia Bracmort (Montreal / France / Guadeloupe) David Gumbs (Martinique / St Martin) * a formal presentation will take place later in…

XX Files Radio Show @ XX Years Radio Her_Say!

Consulter « XX Files Radio Show @ XX Years Radio Her_Say! »

9 June 2016


  • performance
  • presentation
Thursday June 9th, 2016 | 6 PM​ @ STUDIO XX – 4001, Berri (corner Duluth) space 201 Suggested donation: 2$, *FREE* for members Studio XX will celebrate the 20th Anniversary of the XX Files Radio Show by setting up a radio show in our studio, hosted by the…

Vernissage and exhibition Electronic arts for families

Consulter « Vernissage and exhibition Electronic arts for families »

10 April 2016


  • educational activities
  • exhibition
Sunday April 10, 2016 | From 1PM to 4PM @ STUDIO XX – 4001, Berri (corner of Duluth) space 201 Entrance: 2$ / adultes*  Bring a snack to share! Studio XX invites you to discover all the projects produced in the workshops of Electronic art for families, activities…

Tell me again – Art Matters

Consulter « Tell me again – Art Matters »

12 March 2016


  • exhibition
Exhibition Running Dates : March 12 to 26 Opening Hours: Tuesday to Sunday: 10am to 5pm Vernissage: Thursday March 17, 6pm to 9pm Curated by Emma Lightstone We are happy to be partners of Art Matters again this year. Art Matters is a student-run festival that showcases the…

Artists Presentation: Leila Zelli, Shaina Agbayani + Carolin H. and Rah

Consulter « Artists Presentation: Leila Zelli, Shaina Agbayani + Carolin H. and Rah »

10 March 2016


  • discussion
Thursday March 10, 2016 | 6 PM @ STUDIO XX – 4001, Berri (corner Duluth) space 201 Suggested donation: 2$, *FREE* for members Studio XX presents a conversation with the artists Shaina Agbayani + Carolin H., Rah, and Leila Zelli. In this event, these young artists will talk…

Artists Residency Presentation: Shayla Chilliak et Kristin Li

Consulter « Artists Residency Presentation: Shayla Chilliak et Kristin Li »

3 March 2016


  • artist residency
  • presentation
Thursday March 3, 2016 | 6 PM @ STUDIO XX – 4001, Berri (corner Duluth) space 201 Suggested donation: 2$, *FREE* for members Refreshments will be served Studio XX is proud to present the project Montreal-based artists Shayla Chilliak and Kristin Li developed during their residency at…

Presentation of Biomateria + Contagious Matters with WhiteFeather + Tristan Matheson

Consulter « Presentation of Biomateria + Contagious Matters with WhiteFeather + Tristan Matheson »

25 February 2016


  • presentation
Thursday February 25, 2016 | 6 PM @ STUDIO XX – 4001, Berri (corner Duluth) space 201 Suggested donation: 2$, *FREE* for members Refreshments will be served Studio XX invites you to the presentation of Biomateria + Contagious Matterswith WhiteFeather + Tristan Matheson. Moderator: Sarah Choukah Biomateria +…

Launch of the residency project of Fernanda Shirakawa, Laura Sobenes and Carine Ross

Consulter « Launch of the residency project of Fernanda Shirakawa, Laura Sobenes and Carine Ross »

20 February 2016


  • artist residency
  • presentation
Studio XX is proud to launch a video produced by artists Fernanda Shirakawa, Laura Sobenes and Carine Roos. Originally from Brazil, these artists developed a Virtual Residency with Studio XX from January 11 to February 20, 2016. Their project is entitled apt-get install F3M-hack , and it consists of documentation created with remixed medias to take…


Consulter « LABSESSIONS #9 »

21 January 2016


  • other
Thursday January 21st 2016 from 5pm to 8pm At Studio XX 4001 Berri, suite 201, Montreal Free admission The Society for Arts and Technology (SAT), the Conseil québécois des arts médiatiques (CQAM), Agence TOPO, Eastern Bloc, ELEKTRA-BIAN, Labo NT2, OBORO, PRIM, Studio XX and Vidéographe are pleased to announce…


Consulter « PARTY 3D ! »

10 December 2015


  • presentation
End of the year party + Artist presentations Thursday December 10th, 2015, 6PM @ STUDIO XX – 4001, Berri (corner Duluth) #201 Suggested donation: 2$, *FREE* for members Refreshments will be served Studio XX is starting another chapter of artistic experimentation involving our brand new 3D Printer!…

Activism, Technology And Feminism : A Conversation Between Rehab Hazgui & Sophie Toupin

Consulter « Activism, Technology And Feminism : A Conversation Between Rehab Hazgui & Sophie Toupin »

24 November 2015


  • discussion
Tuesday November 24, 2015, 6pm @ STUDIO XX – 4001, Berri (corner Duluth) space 201 Suggested donation: 2$, *FREE* for members Refreshments will be served In collaboration with Perte de Signal, Studio XX presents a conversation between Rehab Hazgui (Tunisia) and Sophie Toupin (Montreal), Tuesday November 24,…