Consulter « Hawabécédaire.org »12 May 2006
- workshop

Ada X offers professional training for artists and cultural workers to help them navigate the use of new technologies.
Please contact us to verify availability and confirm your registration by email ateliers[at]ada-x.org or phone 514-845-7934. Full payment must be made for reservations to be valid.
Registration to a workshop is not transferable.
Cancellation / Refund
Ada X does not refund registration fees except in case of illness (with a medical note) or of absolute necessity. In such cases, registration fees are transferable to another workshop.
Workshop Cancellation
Ada X reserves the right to cancel workshops at any time and without advance notice. In this case, registration fees will be completely refunded.
12 May 2006
29 April 2006
25 July 2005
18 June 2005
14 April 2005
20 May 2004
29 April 2004
20 May 1998